Running multiple Redis instances on the same server

Redis runs as a background process that listens to a specific port (6379 by default) for incoming requests from clients. Running multiple instances requires a separate conf file and a new init script. The conf file specifies details for the new instance, and the init script handles starting/stopping of the instance background process.

  1. Make a copy of the redis.conf file at C:\Program Files\Redis\Conf and give it a new name redis-s1.conf. Leave both files in the same directory C:\Program Files\Redis\Conf

  2. Open the redis-s1.conf with your favorite text editor (e.g. notepad ) and change the following:

  3. PID File

  • pidfile /var/run/
  1. Port
  • port 6380
  1. Log File
  • logfile “C:/Program Files/Redis/logs/redis-s1.log
  1. Data Directory (don’t forget to create that directory)
  • dir “C:/Program Files/Redis/data2”
  1. For replication only : If you planning to use this instance as a slave in master-slave replication setting (where is the master instance IP, 6379 in the master instance port)
  • slaveof 6379
  1. To start the new instance

  2. Open a new command window

  3. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Redis

  4. Run redis-server conf\redis-s1.conf

  5. To connect to the new instance

  6. Open a new command window

  7. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Redis

  8. Run redis-cli –h –p 6380

Now you can have multiple Redis instances on the same server like any other DBMS.